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SD350 visits their elected representatives

Masada Disenhouse is one of the co-founders of which formed in 2011 when the coordinators of the San Diego Moving Planet event were enthusiastic about continuing to work together to grow the climate movement in San Diego. Visit them at is on target to visit all five of our members of congress (in San Diego County) by the end of October. We’re asking them to support ending federal subsidies for fossil fuels as part of the larger effort. We’ve visited three so far and have meetings set up with the offices of the remaining two later in October.

It’s been a real learning experience for us (most people in our group had not met with their congressperson previously) and gave us an opportunity to introduce our group and our concerns regarding climate change to the members of congress. Luckily there were a couple of people in our group who are experienced and helped us put together agendas and talking points and get ready for the meetings. Our talking points include pointing out that the fossil fuel industry doesn’t need any subsidies, discussing San Diego’s leadership and growth in green jobs – which are hampered by fossil fuel subsidies, issues of national security, as well as expressing our concerns about the significant impacts of climate change that are projected for our region, and which are already starting to occur.

Our best visit so far was with Congressman Bob Filner (D). Not only did he support ending all fossil fuel subsidies, but he sent each of the people who attended the meeting a letter to confirm that he had co-sponsored the Keith Ellison / Bernie Sanders bill to end fossil fuel subsidies. Congressman Filner was also a speaker at’s very first event, Moving San Diego to a Clean Energy Future, in September 2011.

Congresswoman Susan Davis (D) also supports ending fossil fuel subsidies. She noted in our meeting with her that her voting record indicates her support for ending subsidies.

Finally, we obtained the following quote from Congressman Brian Bilbray (R) after meeting with his Deputy District Director, “If the federal government is serious about reducing our dependency on fossil fuels, then government should create an energy policy where all technologies are considered equally and no one sector receives special treatment. I see climate change as an issue that will require the innovation of the private sector in partnership with the federal government to encourage the development of a true source of clean renewable energy.”

That leaves Congressmen Duncan Hunter (R) and Darrell Issa (R), who we’ll be talking to soon. Check back at our blog for updates. We’re also talking about taking our new advocacy skills to the San Diego City Council members as they prepare to approve the City’s Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Plan (CMAP) to meet the requirements of AB32, California’s Climate Solutions Act of 2006.

Story of a first-time bird-dogger

The following blog post was submitted by first-time bird-dogger and 350 Activist, Nancy Sharp:

Here’s a step-by-step guide for how to bird-dog candidates in your own area:

When asked me to bird-dog Wilmington, North Carolina’s Republican candidate for Congress,  it sounded like something you would do in the woods with binoculars and hiking boots. But the more I learned about the bird-dogging tactic (following candidates and politicians and asking them key questions), the more it made sense. David Rouzer is an up-and-coming G.O.P. star in Wilmington, and we deserve to know where he stands on fossil fuel subsidies.

Step 1: Find out where your Candidate’s next public appearance will be.

With a little research, we found that Rouzer would be appearing at a local G.O.P. campaign event for realtors. My mission was to attend (I like the word infiltrate better) and get Rouzer’s statements about oil subsidies on video.

Rouzer’s campaign website described the event as a fund raiser, and Eric Cantor, the Speaker of the House, was supposed to be there. To attend, they were asking for donations ranging from a few thousand dollars to the minimum $250. I emailed an RSVP and received this response, “What should we put you down for?”  I emailed back, “I am retired and my husband is unemployed, will you accept a lesser amount?” I was surprised to get another response. “Yes, we will accept a lesser amount.” And they didn’t ask me,  “How much less?”  or “Are you sure you are not a Climate Activist?”

Step 2: Dress the part and bring a video camera!

The day of the event, I was a little intimidated, fearful that someone would find me out or ask me for a donation. You should know that I am an old California Flower Child. I have long gray hair and short fingernails and yes, I like to wear Birkenstocks. But if the event was for realtors, then I would look like a realtor. I put on my business wear, and I was ready: I brought along my little digital camera that has a video button on it.

Step 3: Roll with the punches.

When I walked into the hall, I discovered that the fund raiser had morphed into a candidate’s forum. Republicans and Democrats were represented, but this didn’t change my plan.

One by one, each candidate gave a little speech, all detailing how their policies would benefit realtors. Those running for congressional seats spoke a lot about how they were determined to keep property insurance rates from going up because that’s good for real estate sales. On that subject, David Rouzer referred to the national study that used climate science to predict sea level rise, calling the study “ridiculous.”  He proudly proclaimed that he fought against it.

Step 4: Jump at the opportunity to ask questions and record responses.

When the speeches were over, the audience was invited to step up and meet the candidates. I hurried over to Mr. Rouzer, holding my camera casually in my hand, and pushed the video button.  My heart was pounding with excitement when I asked Mr. Rouzer, “Do you support ending all fossil fuel subsidies?”  And then unbelievably he began answering my question. The first thing he said was , “I’m for fossil fuel”.  Then he went on to explain that if  ending subsidies to oil and gas companies was costly to the companies, he would be against ending them.

You can see the interview here:

I can’t believe how easy this was, and next time, let‘s get a whole group together to share the experience!